
Principles of Speed Reading
Peter Roesler
1st edition 2021, Oct 10th
Publisher: exclam! Verlag, Düsseldorf, Germany


  • 978-3-943736-12-0 | Print, 79.90 EUR plus shipping (approx. 90 USD), for Europe amazon, worldwide please send e-mail
  • 978-3-943736-13-7 | Kindle, 4.99 EUR (approx. 4.88 USD), amazon
  • 978-3-943736-14-4 | PDF (download for free)

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This book presents the current empirical knowledge and scientific research on speed reading, answering the following questions:

  • What is the difference between "basic" and "advanced" speed reading?
  • How much of the text can you comprehend when you speed read?
  • What increases in speed are achievable?
  • How often and for how long do you need to practice?

While speed reading guidebooks are usually very similar in content because they rely on the same traditional exercises, the overlap in content between the "Principles of Speed Reading" book and the guidebooks is minimal. Similar content is found primarily in the chapters on "Normal Reading" and "Reading Management", while the other chapters bring new information or challenge traditional views on speed reading, such as in the chapter "Myths and Half-Truths.


Peter Roesler, born 1961 in Munich, has been studying speed reading since 2002, increasing his reading rate from 233 wpm (words per minute) to 450 wpm over two months in 2002. In 2005, he completed the most extensive individual training course available on the market, for learning what is called "purely visual speed reading."
From 2006 to 2009, in collaboration with Prof. Jochen Musch from the University of Düsseldorf, he reviewed a large part of the scientific publications on speed reading and all current and antiquarian German-language books for speed reading.
Peter Roesler is one of the founding members of the German Society for Speed Reading, and became its first chairman.
Peter Roesler is an expert in the field of "software reviews," a sub-area of software quality assurance. He tries to transfer the critical mindset and methodical approach common there to the field of "speed reading," which is characterized by marketing statements and wishful thinking.




URL: last change Feb 26th, 2022.